Conflicts and violences in Colombia: the case of Tibú

Los conflictos y la violencia en Colombia: el caso de Tibú

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Jesus Maria Ortega-Ortega

Background: This article is part of the research work:The cultural conflicts in Colombia: Case Tibu, which purpose was to analyze the causes that have led to the permanent violence and social instability in the Catatumbo region, particularly focused on this municipality, with an anthropological approach, framed within the cultural behavior analysis of a particular social group. The diversified traditions and native indigenous people of this land used to live in harmony with the nature [1], which was altered by the invasion of outer cultures that have turned this town into a cultural hybridization [2], as several of them got inserted becoming a cultural whole, which in fact have built a social order regarding the welfare and peace among the entire society and nature. Objective: To identify the conflicts that generate violence and social and cultural instability in the Catatumbo region, centered on the town of Tibu, Norte de Santander, Colombia. Methods: For this purpose, this research was conducted under the social-critical paradigm, with quantitative approach. The design was based on the documentary, bibliographic, and descriptive analysis, supported by on-field research. Results: As determined in the research, it can be defined that 90% of the population perceives the high degree of state abandonment as the main cause of violence, along with lack of economic resources to cover basic needs of the civilian population (health, education, housing, among others.), the social exclusion due to lack of roads and opportunities for steady employment, making the increasing cultural violence to be empowered and perpetuated throughout the municipality. Conclusion: The main conclusion from this research is that in the municipality of Tibu expresses different types of violence with cultural violence being the most prevalent. The implementation of a new cultural model of peace is recommended to build peaceful coexistence within the municipality of Tibu.



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Author Biography (SEE)

Jesus Maria Ortega-Ortega, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander

Maestría en Educación Superior



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