Obtaining inferences in documents internship described ontological level

Obtención de inferencias en documentos de pasantía descritos a nivel ontológico

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Germán Alejandro Pinilla-García
Julio Barón-Velandia

Background: The number of users that currently appropriates query practices using document systems has grown significantly, however, the conventional use of textual or syntactical search processes produces a vast amount of low-relevant results, forcing the user to employ a large number of hours to access the results provided and to determine those with a high level of correspondence with their field of interest. Objective: The main objective of this work was to obtain a set of inferences through predicate logic, from an internship documents ontological model, which allow to obtain implicit information from semantic descriptions representing each one of the referenced documents. Methods: The ontological model was obtained by consulting standards and provisions about internships, setting the domain concepts and the corresponding relations between concepts; the model computational representation was developed with OWL language and first-order predicate logic were used to establish the sentences that allow making inferences, to get implicit information in the knowledge base. Results: Among the most significant inferences that were obtained are: the classification of documents related to a topic of interest and the identification of teachers by areas of expertise. Conclusion: The application of predicate logic to internship documents allows to dynamically make inferences about the content represented at ontological level and can be used to complement the explicitly described information in the model, regarding issues and areas of expertise of the teachers, regardless of the location of document repositories. The statements used can be applied to other types of degree as research and monography.



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Author Biographies (SEE)

Germán Alejandro Pinilla-García, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas

Ingeniería de Sistemas (c)

Julio Barón-Velandia, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas

Maestría en Teleinformática

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