Efficiency and effectiveness the continuationmethod applied to biaxial design of reinforcedconcrete short columns

Eficiencia y efectividad del método de continuación aplicado al diseño biaxial de columnas cortas de concreto reforzado

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Álvaro Ortega-Sierra
Breiner Reynaldo Sierra-Santos

The research was conducted with 178 designs for square columns, using a quasi-experimental descriptive study. To solve the system of three nonlinear equations that govern the design was applied continuation method. According to this method, an equivalent solution to the above system is given by the one obtained when an initial value problem in the interval 0 d t d 1, which was resolved by implementing the Runge-Kutta method of order 4 with different sizes step. To explore the efficiency was investigated on the existence of significant differences between means of numerical error at the end of two consecutive iterations, considering a maximum of five. With regard to effectiveness, this was quantified for different tolerances of the error depending on the step size and number of iterations.



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Author Biographies (SEE)

Álvaro Ortega-Sierra, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander

Especialista en Estadística Aplicada.

Breiner Reynaldo Sierra-Santos, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander

Ingeniero Civil.

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