Signal processing for people detection in crowded areas

Procesamiento de señales para detección de personas en aglomeraciones

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Carlos Vicente Niño-Rondón
Sergio Alexander Castro-Casadiego

This paper addresses the development and implementation of a signal processing system for detecting and counting people in open spaces, using background subtraction techniques with a Raspberry Pi 3B+ embedded board and the Python programming language. The methodology employed includes image conversion to grayscale, background segmentation using the Background Subtractor MOG2 algorithm, Gaussian smoothing filtering, and adaptive thresholding with the Otsu method, along with morphological techniques to enhance detection quality and contour detection for identifying objects. In the image capture phase, factors such as height, tilt angle, and environmental luminosity are considered to ensure the quality of the collected data. Grayscale conversion assigns values between 0 and 255 to pixels, and background subtraction uses Gaussian distributions to differentiate between moving objects and the background. Gaussian smoothing filters are applied to reduce noise, while Otsu's thresholding adapts the threshold to the specific characteristics of each image. Finally, morphological operations refine segmentation, and the simple approximation method is used for contour detection. The system was evaluated with videos captured from four buildings at the Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander and two public areas in Cúcuta, showing detection rates between 87.14% and 93.33% at the university and between 88.89% and 90.51% in public areas.



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