The critical dialogic pedagogical modeling education
El modelo pedagógico dialógico crítico en la educación
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Background: The Francisco de Paula Santander University in its Institutional Education Project defines a critical dialogical pedagogical focusing that originates, first, in the Socratic dialogues and is based on the theories of Freire and Habermas, among others, understanding the dialogue as a way of expressing the thought, communicative actions as a way of generating knowledge and education as a process that involves all stakeholders to promote human interactions which foster the transformation of both who taught as part of the learner, and secondly, in the Frankfurt School critical theory underpinning of society, comprising education as a process involving all stakeholders, and aims to encourage ongoing reflection by the faculty of the University community about their pedagogical practices. Objective: Reflecting on the ontological, epistemological, theoretical and institutional context of the pedagogical model. Methods: To achieve the article was first proceeded to query bibliographic production of the most renowned authors and review of various research articles related to the topic, and then the theoretical analysis and academic teaching activities contrasting with the UFPS. Conclusion: University teachers develop pedagogical practices that orient teaching activity in a permanent change incorporating the latest scientific advances and updating content areas contextualized problem solving social environment. Teaching in the UFPS is not reduced to teaching in the classroom activity, it is an entire system which in turn consists of a number of subsystems, which interact to contribute to the continuous improvement of quality and productivity of teaching in a continuous process appropriation by teachers of critical dialogical processes of formation of its students pedagogical approach.
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