Circumplex model of affect applied to the control of dynamical systems

Modelo circumplejo del afecto aplicado al control de sistemas dinámicos

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José Danilo Rairán-Antolines

In this paper we propose the design of a new control strategy for dynamic systems based on human emotions. Since psychologists and neuroscientists have demonstrated that emotions are indispensable in the Decision-Making-Process, and decision-making is the work of every controller, it is our desire to emulate emotions in the systems design. Here we deal with four areas of application for this invention in which autonomy and adaptability are essential. As well, eight emotion computational models are referenced. Given that these involve cognition, it is concluded as necessary to make adjustments to include one of these in a control strategy. For this reason, this article formulates the use of the Circumplex Model of Affect, a model which labels a human emotion as a variable.



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Author Biography (SEE)

José Danilo Rairán-Antolines, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas.

Docente en la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Candidato a Doctor en Ingeniería en Sistemas y Computación.


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