Supervisory and control system for experimental bench of refrigeration compression

Sistema de supervisión y control para un banco experimental de refrigeración por compresión.

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Francisco Ernesto Moreno-García
Jhon Jairo Ramírez-Matheus
Oscar Daniel Ortiz-Ramírez

Background: Recently has been investigating various alternatives to optimize and reduce the power consumption for cooling systems. This need entails to improve by 40% the existing use of these systems in residential areas. For this reason supported by the control system and instrumentation has been allowing a number of skills and research so that projection is generated in this area by the UFPS. Objective: Design and implement a test bench for control systems in compression refrigeration cycles. Designing a graphical interface using the LabVIEW® software for data acquisition and monitoring of the signals for the characterization of the cooling system. Methods: It is a comparative research with the application of an experimental design knowledge based on the scientific method and adaptation of technology. Results: The involvement of a tool of great potential in the area of supervision and control, keeping your line of innovative, flexible and adaptive. Conclusion: Replacing an ON-OFF control PID control for continuous power saving percentagens ranging between 35% were obtained.



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Author Biographies (SEE)

Francisco Ernesto Moreno-García, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander.

PhD en Ingeniería Mecánica Grupo de Investigación y desarrollo en microelectrónica aplicada (GIDMA).

Jhon Jairo Ramírez-Matheus, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander.

Ingeniero Electrónico Grupo de Investigación y desarrollo en microelectrónica aplicada (GIDMA).

Oscar Daniel Ortiz-Ramírez, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander.

Ingeniero Electromecánica Grupo de Investigación en Automatización y Control - GIAC.

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