Level of reasoning in the understanding of statistical graphics in college students

Nivel de razonamiento en la comprensión de gráficos estadísticos en estudiantes universitarios

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Pastor Ramírez-Leal
César Augusto Hernández-Suárez
Raúl Prada-Núñez

Background: The parameter chosen to identify the level of understanding of statistical graphs which college students have is the M3ST model (Middle School Students Statistical Thinking) proposed by Langrall and Mooney (2002). Objective: The research reported in this article has been aimed to identify the level of understanding of statistical graphs by students of the business administration program at the Francisco de Paula Santander University (UFPS). Methods: A questionnaire designed to evaluate two aspects of statistical thinking in graphs understanding, namely: description and data representation was applied to a sample of 111 students Results: The analysis of the results showed that most of the students are at the idiosyncratic level. Conclusion: This means that the group of students have difficulty distinguishing the elements of a graph, to establish relationships between the elements contained on it and to properly justify their answers.



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Author Biographies (SEE)

Pastor Ramírez-Leal, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander

Magister en Educación Matemática.

César Augusto Hernández-Suárez, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander

Magister en Educación Matemática

Raúl Prada-Núñez, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander

Magister en Educación Matemática


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