A look at the application of generally accepted accounting principles and international financial reporting standards in smes Cucuta and metropolitan area.

Una mirada a la aplicación de los principios de contabilidad generalmente aceptados y a las Normas Internacionales de Información Financiera en las Pymes de Cúcuta y su Área Metropolitana

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The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are a set of quality standards and guidelines that are used to prepare and report accounting information from the company, however, generally accepted accounting principles governing the current accounting practices in company. The application of (IFRS) accounting allows forecasting process subject to possible changes that would arise in the accounting process in general. Objective: The objective of this study was to characterize the current state of the general principles of accounting and (IFRS) in the medium company of Cucuta and its metropolitan area before the effective date of (IFRS). The analysis of documentary and descriptive based on the theoretical postulates of Bustamante (2013), Flórez (2013), Fuentes (2013), among others was used. Accompanied by a field with a non-experimental, transactional design, consisting of a sample of 64 medium-sized companies. The survey instrument used for data collection constructed with 30 items with five possible answers, instrument validated by expert judgment. Midsize companies apply accounting principles in a high fashion and the implementation of (IFRS) is very low both in its schedule, principles, technology, training, among others. Midsize companies are lagging behind in the new implementation process of (IFRS) changes presented in the financial statements by the application of new principles of assessment, measurement and presentation of financial information.



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Author Biography (SEE)

Nubia Isabel Díaz Ortega, Universidad de Pamplona

Doctora en Ciencias Gerenciales URBE.


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