Correlation between handgrip strength and hand-forearm anthropometry

Correlation between handgrip strength and hand-forearm anthropometry

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Omar Andrés Fuentes Manrique
Juan Dayal Castro Bermúdez
Diego Fernando Villegas Bermúdez

The Pearson correlation coeffi cient (r) between the grip strength and hand-forearm anthropometry was found to determine either existing or not a linear relation among them. Collecting data of the variables was obtained from ten young adults in both, right and left hand-forearm, it was taken into account some qualitative variables: to be right-handed, the gender with five (5) men and five (5) women, and it was established as a condition that the individual was healthy and did not have a previous career as an athlete. A direct linear relationship with hand anthropometry and the grip strength is concluded, even though as expected, there was a strong difference between the force exerted by a male and a female individual, being the first stronger. Respect to the forearm, an inverse relation was found between the maximum circumference of the forearm and the grip strength. Finally, the strongest relationships found were in the width and length of the palm, as well as in the circumference of the wrist. Results were validated comparing the results of this research against the results of specialized literature. Some considerations may be considered for future research. Grip strength can promote the risk of accidents and ergonomists should consider this factor appropriately for their design.


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