Business Opportunities of the Exotic Fruit Market of Norte de Santander for the United Arab Emirates.

Oportunidades de negocios del mercado de frutas exóticas de Norte de Santander para los Emiratos Árabes Unidos.

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Ana Isabel Tamayo Medina
Dayana Villamizar
Diego Chacon
Neyder Arenas

The department of Norte de Santander is not very competitive internationally because its economy has not been well managed, since its governments do not make significant contributions to the different sectors of the economy; one of the less favored sectors is the agricultural sector, since the government does not take advantage of the thermal floors of the sector, collaborating with the quality of the products, since not investing in this sector does not allow farmers to achieve the technification of its production processes, limiting them to increase the productive capacity and the opening to the international market, for that reason the objective of the investigation is to analyze the business opportunities that Norte de Santander has for the commercialization of the exotic fruits and the target market to which seeks to reach is the United Arab Emirates, because in these countries exotic fruits are very desirable and calls attention to their characteristics, also because being a desert they do not have the ability to produce any kind of fruit. The type of methodology was quantitative because it has statistical criteria based on Norte de Santander's production capacity in order to become an international competitor in the exotic fruit sector and the method was descriptive, since it refers to the capacity and inefficiency when it comes to achieving large production goals for farmers in Norte de Santander. The conclusion is that, if Norte de Santander manages to make agreements in which the governors commit themselves to help with investment to the agricultural sector, in this case, to the exotic fruit farmers, the department could become a competitor of international stature and would contribute to the economy of the region.


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