Implementation of industries 4.0 as a digital component for the digital transformation of the Norte de Santander economy.

Implementación de las industrias 4.0 como componente digital para la transformación digital de la economía de Norte de Santander.

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Pablo Emilio Ballesteros Peñaranda
Shirley Andrea Gómez González
Valeryth Jazmín Mendoza Franco

The fourth industrial revolution is just beginning, researching the subject in research databases or the internet brings similar definitions; It is a theme that develops with greater force in organizations. Currently, more emphasis is being investigated on this innovative topic, which is why a variety of perspectives that revolve around the digital and physical world are taken into account. When the concept of innovation is approached through the lens of the digital and the physical, it means rethinking issues as diverse as cities, work, money, leisure and entertainment. And then, fundamentally, people seek to adapt to a new industrial revolution that is growing rapidly in a globalized world. It is important to mention that the objective of the study is to analyze the different studies of industries 4.0, economy and digital transformation, all this in order to implement strategies for overcoming and acquiring industries 4.0 in SMEs Cucuteñas.


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