Digital Mind vs Digital Culture in Colombian Higher Education

Mente Digital vs Cultura Digital en la Educación Superior Colombiana

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Nicolás Afanador Cubillo

The worldwide pandemic linked to COVID-19 has ushered in a new normal in which digital technology and remote access links have become commonplace, altering the idea of presence. This study offers an explanatory analysis on the impacts of cyberculture and digital culture on the TI intension in Colombian Higher Education, based on the findings of a countrywide poll performed in early June of 2020 with 376 answers.

The findings were revealed, among other things, that there is no link between individuals' exposure to digital culture and their intention to use technical resources, whereas the opposite is true in the case of cyberculture. This discovery could be a first clue of why businesses fail to acquire a real digital culture instead of cyberculture, which is described as habits and traditions tied to a sense of collectivity.


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