The experience of family caregivers of people with cancer. Phenomenological study

La experiencia de los cuidadores familiares de personas con cáncer. Estudio fenomenológico

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Camilo Duque-Ortiz
Yenny Andrea Giraldo-Toro

Objective: Understand the experience of family caregivers of people with oncologic diseases. Materials and methods: Study with a qualitative approach, based on the interpretative phenomenology analysis. It was developed in Medellin, Colombia, between July of 2018 and June of 2019. The recollection of information was made through semi-structured interviews on ten family caregivers of people with oncologic diseases. The total of the participants was determined by the theoretical saturation of the emerging subjects. Results: The experience lived by the family caregiver of a person with cancer, is manifested through three emerging subjects: facing a new way, where there are new situations derived from the disease that impose workloads and demand an over exertion of the caregiver. Organizing to care, which refers to the ways they organize themselves through the establishment of roles, routines and support networks, to cope with the care of loved one. Life transformations, which refers to the way that life changes from the experience of care. Conclusions: The experience of family caregivers of people with cancer is interpreted as a life dedicated to their sick relative, where the new path they face, the organization of their life for caring and the transformations experiences, revolve around the disease and the care demanded by a person with cancer.



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Author Biographies (SEE)

Camilo Duque-Ortiz, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

RN. Esp. MSc. PhD. Docente titular. Facultad de Enfermería. Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana.  Medellín, Colombia. Correo:

Yenny Andrea Giraldo-Toro, Hospital General de Medellín.

RN. MSc. Enfermera sala de quimioterapia. Hospital General de Medellín. Medellín, Colombia. Correo:


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