Experiences of caring for the person with HIV/AIDS during nursing education.
Experiencias de cuidado hacia la persona con VIH/SIDA durante la formación en Enfermería.
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Objective: To understand the experience of care provided to the person living with HIV/AIDS during undergraduate nursing education. Method: Qualitative, hermeneutic phenomenological study, in which 10 students of the Nursing Program participated. The information was collected through semi-structured interviews, and the analysis followed Van Manen's approaches. Results: 35 units of meaning emerged, organized into the following 6 phenomenological themes: social constructions about HIV/AIDS; Knowledge about HIV/AIDS; Academic spaces for theoretical learning about HIV/AIDS; Experiences related to the care of the person with HIV/AIDS during formative practices; Feelings and emotions related to the care and attention to the patient with HIV/AIDS and Proposals for the promotion of social and academic awareness of HIV/AIDS care. Conclusions: The experience of HIV/AIDS care, means for students an exercise of individual and collective confrontation against the delegitimization of principles and transgenerational convictions of the disease, it also outlines the imperative need to consolidate intra and extracurricular theoretical-practical educational scenarios for the approach to HIV, which contribute favorably in the professional exercise of care.
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