Process experienced by the abdominal surgical patient receiving artificial nutritional support

Proceso que vive el paciente quirúrgico abdominal al recibir soporte nutricional artificial

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Introduction: the person in the postoperative period of abdominal surgery may present complications due to the underlying surgical pathology or due to the surgery, preventing them from starting or tolerating the oral route. A measure that is taken to prevent or treat hospital malnutrition is management with artificial nutritional support, an event that transforms the way of perceiving and experiencing the feeding process. Objective: to understand the process experienced by adults receiving artificial nutritional support in the postoperative period of abdominal surgery. Materials and methods: qualitative methodology was used, fundamental theory, according to Corbin and Strauss postulates. In-depth interviews were conducted with 21 postoperative adults after abdominal surgery and management with artificial nutritional support. Results: From the analysis of the data, 4 stages of the process were established: presenting difficulty feeding, malnourished or at nutritional risk, receiving artificial nutritional support and longing to return to normal life. Conclusions: the process has a starting point, determined by the manifestations of the disease, then the patient begins to receive artificial nutrition support, a situation that generates fear and anxiety, continues with the acceptance and recognition of the benefits of nutrition. artificial and ends with the beginning of the oral route.


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Author Biography (SEE)

Nieves Fuentes-Gonzalez, Universidad de Boyacá

Magister en Enfermería, Enfermera, Profesora Investigativa tiempo completo Universidad de Boyacá,,, Tunja, Colombia.


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