Interventions in the management of anxiety and depression in palliative oncology patients

Intervenciones en el manejo de ansiedad y depresión en pacientes Paliativos oncológicos

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Alejandra Maria Alvarado-Garcia
Miguel Santiago Carrillo-Riveros
Lina Marcela Vargas-Bello




Anxiety and depression are considered to be two of the most prevalent entities in oncology patients. This implies the need for nursing professionals to intervene in a timely manner in the mental health of palliative care patients, taking into account the impact it represents at the individual level and on the physical and psychological conditions of the person being cared for. The aim of this review was to identify nursing interventions for the management of depression and anxiety in patients, as well as the theoretical approach used. Method: A systematic search, selection and synthesis of relevant studies without time restriction was performed in the databases SCOPUS, Sciencedirect, Pubmed, VHL Colombia search portal, using the reference list of MeSH and DeCS terms between March and May 2023. The search strategy was limited to English, Spanish and Portuguese. Results: Fifteen articles were identified in this review, which were divided into nursing interventions, interventions in conjunction with other disciplines and interventions to promote nursing training. Conclusions: that this review encourages nurses to investigate the effect of these interventions focused on oncology patients in palliative care using nursing theoretical models, as well as to evaluate the effect of these interventions on palliative care patients.



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