Caracterización de la actividad demostrativa en estudiantes de educación superior

Caracterización de la actividad demostrativa en estudiantes de educación superior

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César Augusto Hernández-Suarez

We present an investigation into the situation of the demonstration activity in college students (Academic Degree Program in Mathematics and Computer Science at the University Francisco de Paula Santander), during the second half of 2008. This arises out of ignorance of the subject and the presence of gaps in students as disregard and / misuse of language and symbolism of mathematics itself, the rules of logic, the limited capacity of reasoning and problem solving , leading to difficulties in understanding and demonstrate. On the other hand, are unaware of their attitudes and beliefs regarding the demonstration activity, and if these, involved in their academic performance and affect their mathematical background. The results show that although students have good attitudes and beliefs predisposition toward demonstration activity, the knowledge and use of mathematical language and the ability to demonstrate is not satisfactory. No evidence that there are differences in terms of age or gender, but “apparently” shows that students improve in these areas, as it advances in each of these subjects. Finally there are guidelines to start improving the situation found.



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Author Biography (SEE)

César Augusto Hernández-Suarez, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander

Lic. en Matemáticas y Computación. Esp. Computación para la Docencia y Práctica pedagógica Universitaria. Magister en Educación Matemá- tica. Doctorando en Educación. Docente de la UFPS


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