Identification of mathematical processes in the understanding of the concept of reason in university students

Identificación de procesos matemáticos en la comprensión del concepto de razón en estudiantes universitarios

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Cristian Camilo Fúneme-Mateus
Cesar Augusto Hernández-Suárez

In this article we describe and analyze the development of a class experienceof a course of differential calculus of the first semester of the university in which differentconcepts about functions are approached with emphasis on the mathematical conceptof reason from its application for the resolution of everyday problems. The research isof a qualitative nature and is based on the analysis of the arguments (verbal or graphic)given by the students in an online discussion forum and during the development ofthe class. The data comes from recordings of the class episode and the interactionin the forum by the students. For the analysis, he applied the theoretical coding technique,specifically to open coding, in which the main concepts and their properties containedin the data are identified. The results show some difficulties that students face in thestudy of differential calculus in relation to the concept of reason, which is consideredbasic for the understanding of other more complex notions, such as limits. The answersgiven in the activity denote that beyond the algorithmic management of the fractionsand the conversion between different semiotic registers, such as the percentage or thedecimal, there is not a sufficiently solid awareness about the nature and applicability of these calculations.



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