Application of didactic engineering in the learning of the concept of function

Aplicación de la ingeniería didáctica en el aprendizaje del concepto de función

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Ashley Gallo Silva
Jeriserth Manrique Jaimes
Raúl Prada –Núñez

The mathematical concept of function is the one that it facilitates to do the transition between the basic average education and the top education, but in spite of be approaching in diverse degrees from the college, in diverse investigations preceded this one, problems have been identified in students in his first course of Calculation on not having had the correct appropriation of the concept, since this one is fundamental for the learning of the diverse own contents of the Calculation as it it are limit, continuity, derivative. Due to this one context of difficulty is the one that makes necessary the application of new methodologies of investigation that tend to favor a successful education that it tends for the correct appropriation of the concept of function. For which they have proposed a series of didactic sequences that are structured under the difficulties identified in a diagnostic test and in the knowledge of the condition of the art of the topic. The didactic sequences rest on the theory of the semiotics representations of Duval, with what there is claimed that the students could recognize a function in any type of record of representation and to be able to articulate a record with other one in a coherent way. The research is carried out with students of the UFPS Mathematics Bachelor program, of which an intentional sample chooses non-probabilistic integrated by students of the second semester of the Bachelor of Mathematics.



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