Learning Styles of Second Semester Mathematics Students

Estilos de aprendizaje de los estudiantes del segundo semestre de Licenciatura en matemáticas

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Janz Jaramillo-Benitez
Jaime Rincon-Leal

The present investigation had as objective to identify the learning styles of the students of second semester of Licentiate in Mathematics of the University Francisco de Paula Santander in the first semester of the 2020. The study is quantitative with a quasi-experimental transectional design of descriptive type with a sample of 30 students; the questionnaire of Habits and Styles of Learning (CHAEA) of Honey-Alonso was used. It was evidenced that 46.67% of the students have predominance in the reflexive learning style while only 10% are Pragmatic style, in the same way the statistical software SPSS Version 23 was used for the analysis of the information.



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