Euclid's traveling suitcase, as a didactic strategy to strengthen spatial thinking and geometric systems

La maleta viajera de Euclides, como estrategia didáctica para fortalecer el pensamiento espacial y los sistemas geométricos

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Leidy Katerine Marín-Arguello

The development of the thought, has a progressive influence on the integral formation of the subjects, in this respect, it became necessary to develop the present investigation, whose general objective was: To strengthen the spatial thinking and the geometric systems in the ninth grade students of the Los Santos Apostles through the didactic strategy, the Euclid Traveling Suitcase, for this, a methodology was framed in the postulates of the action research, where it was considered the implementation of four phases in a systematic way, in this respect, planning was assumed in Firstly, all the elements contained in the Euclid Traveling Suitcase were designed for the development of spatial thinking and geometric systems in ninth grade students, and then the action was presented, where the situations designed were executed, in this case , A set of interventions is evident, which began with f Geometric flat ormas, to later transform them into three-dimensional, for which the students represented a willingness and interest in the development of activities, activities were valued through direct non-participant observation, to give way to reflection, where it was possible to determine that The Euclid Traveling Suitcase has a significant impact on teaching and learning the knowledge inherent in spatial thinking and geometric systems



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