Specialized knowledge of the teacher who teaches the reflection of the trigonometric function sine: Mediations with ICT

Conocimiento especializado del profesor que enseña la reflexión de la función trigonométrica: mediaciones con tic

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Iván Andrés Padilla-Escorcia
Jenny Patricia Acevedo-Rincón

The implementation of ICT in the teaching of mathematics has become relevant today. For this reason, the training in this type of tools that the teachers who teach this area of ​​knowledge have is key to its effectiveness in the classroom. In this way, the objective of this research is to characterize the specialized knowledge of the teacher who teaches the reflection of the trigonometric function sine through the use of ICT. The research is developed through a qualitative approach and an instrumental case study design, which is applied to a teacher of basic-secondary education who uses ICT within his pedagogical practices, specifically the specialized GeoGebra software. The main findings were evidences of the teacher's knowledge about the knowledge of the topics (KoT) and the teaching of mathematics (KMT) and the relationships that exist between these subdomains and categories of the MTSK, which are necessary in the knowledge approach It requires the teacher to teach sine function reflection effectively using ICT.


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