Application of the autoregressive vector method to estimate the supply of eggs in Colombia

Aplicación del método de vectores autorregresivos para estimar la oferta de huevos en Colombia

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Susan Elsa Cancino
Giovanni Orlando Cancino-Escalante
Daniel Francisco Cancino-Ricketts

The purpose of the study was to evaluate egg supply through variations in its own price and of corn for the period 1998-2020 using a multivariate times series model. The vector autoregressive method was used for the empirical estimation and according to the results, the proposed time series were integrated of order one, statistically significant, inelastic and congruent with economic theory. The existence of a Granger causal relationship between the variables price of egg and corn with egg production was evidenced. The impulse response functions and the decomposition of the variance identified that the price of eggs is not the main variable that explains the movements of the supply of eggs, which can be argued that public policies related to prices are not an effective instrument to increase production



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