Bibliometric impact of the scientific productivity of teachers in the speech therapy programs of Santander and Norte de Santander, Colombia

Impacto bibliométrico de la productividad científica de los docentes de los programas de fonoaudiología de Santander y Norte de Santander, Colombia

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Brisvany Andrea Rodriguez-Zambrano
Nixon Albeiro Zambrano-Medina
Andreina Constanza Vera-Antolinez
Andrés Llanos-Redondo
Sandra Milena Castro-Escobar

The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) highlights that research is essential to solve the different problems that may arise from public health. And Speech Therapy seeks to provide significant contributions from the various areas that this professional performs. Descriptive bibliometric study of the impact of the scientific production of the teachers of the speech therapy programs of three Universities in the departments of Santander and Norte de Santander. The scientific production and its impact on Publish or Perish and Scopus were investigated, with which a descriptive analysis was carried out considering the measures of central tendency and dispersion through SPSS software version 25.0. There is a greater production of articles at the University of Pamplona with a total of 81, of which they have been cited 316 times, while the University of Santander has 16 published articles and 89 citations, obtaining an average of 5.56, being lower. production, but with greater impact. The creation of new knowledge through research and innovation forms a productive social, scientific and technological infrastructure of Universities, contributing to human, social and economic development. The impact of research is essential to measure, because Universities are and must be permanent and continuous producers of intellectual property, knowledge and resources. From the population under study belonging to the Universities of Santander and Norte de Santander; The University of Pamplona is the one that has the greatest impact on scientific production.



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