Wireless network security

Seguridad en redes inalámbricas

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Henry Eliseo Navarro-Chinchilla

Within the expectations generated by the massive use  of the Internet and the implementation of high-speed networks both wired and wireless, has also proliferated violation and intrusion mechanisms penetration of networks and generating all kinds of computer crimes .

We must then take into account a number of conditions and rules to ensure the use of these networks far the least not placed at risk of intrusion of agents and outside users. We know that at present there is no computer network hundred percent sure, but the implementation of measures increasingly strong and timely permit clim this percentage clase to the ideal.

This article can discover the essential elements to gene rote in practice security in gíreles networks that in the end are those that hove shifted largely to cable networks .



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Article Details


Carlos Aracena Urrutia, Cristian Araya Valenzuela. Seguridad en redes Wifi Entel S.A. / Americatel Corp. p://www.senacitel.cl/downloads/senacitel2004/tt42 .pdf.

Curso Seguridad en Wifi y redes WiMax. http://netacad.uv.es/campus-ti.htm.

Laura Gonzalo.Soluciones R/S para banda Ancha. laura.gonzalo@rohde.schwarz.com. Glosario de Seguridad Informática. http://www.virusprot.com/Glosarioc.html.

Fourouzam Behrouz A. Transmisión de Datos y Redes de comunicaciones.

Manual - Curso de Certificación DPC. D'Link Partner Certification D-Suppor for Wireless. Cartagena Colombia.

Conceptos de seguridad en redes inalámbricas 802. l l.http://www.gui.uva.es.

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