Numerical simulation of soot formation in a propane axisymmetric laminar diffusion flame

Simulación numérica de la producción de hollín en una llama laminar de difusión axisimétrica de propano

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Adalberto Rafael Salazar-Navarro

A computational study of soot formation for a propane flame was conducted in this study using soot formation models. To evaluate the effect in the prediction of soot formation and parameters, such as the flame height and the maximum temperature the simulations were carried out using two different parameters, flow velocity and mass flow per unit area. In this work, the Fire Dynamics Simulator
(FDS) computational tool was used to observe the behavior of soot production, in a propane (C3H8) diffusion laminar flame. For the validation process, the results were compared with experimental data found in the literature. Also, the results using the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) and Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) approaches were evaluated to compare the results of soot production,
flame high, and flame temperature. The results obtained show a good agreement with the measured data.



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