Compatibility of the sand cone test with LWD equipment for quality control of in-situ backfill and MASW test analysis
Compatibilidad del ensayo de cono de arena con el equipo LWD para el control de calidad de rellenos in situ y análisis de ensayos MASW
Main Article Content
The existence of a method such as cone and sand for quality control of fills with in situ material has some disadvantages, among them is the control of moisture and granulometry present in the soil, since, if there is not a strict control in each one of them, it is possible that the soils are apparently compacted, this may cause inconveniences in the structures to be supported. The invention of a technological device such as the LWD (Light Weight Deflectometer) for quality control is an important advance that allows greater coverage of punctual analysis of field tests, due to its versatility and speed in taking field tests, besides being an equipment with greater sensitivity to changes in granulometry and humidity, allowing greater control in the acceptance of the compaction of layers. This research will show the results and analysis of two different methodologies as guarantors of soil compaction of a backfill with two different sources, which are the cone and sand method and the LWD equipment. Finally, a comparison of these results with a surface wave test (MASW, Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves) will be carried out. As a result of the research, it was shown that unlike the sand cone test, the lwd is an adequate compaction control technique, especially because it does not depend on the moisture and granulometry of the soils, and correlates better with the seismic test results.
Article Details
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