Social-family development: integral culture for the formation of the children of the zero program always in the municipality of Pamplona

Desarrollo socio-familiar: cultura integral para la formación de los hijos del programa de cero a siempre del municipio de Pamplona

Contenido principal del artículo

Fredy Andrés Cruz - Vega
Luz Eliana Figueroa - Granados

The research makes it possible to recognize the judgments of the users who are enrolled in the zero to always family modality and, in turn, establish the relationship they give to the program in the training of their children. The use of qualitative research for this proposal contributes or it establishes the relationship of describing and giving points of view to problems of the social educational and experiential context, the primary objective was to determine the degree of use by users of the program from zero to always family modality, in the municipality of Pamplona. It can be said that the application of this research contributes in part to diagnosing from a personal point of view the impact generated by the program in the training of minors, evidencing in it the theoretical, political and real positions in order to make them aware of the importance of training of children. The instruments used for families in certain rural areas who are the objects of study were semi-structured interviews; validated by experts from the area, they managed to produce key information for the analysis and triangulation. Thanks to the analysis units and the categories established in the interview, it was possible to focus and provide solutions to the objectives set, demonstrating the perception that the beneficiaries of the program of zero They always have in relation to the operation in rural areas of Pamplona. With the information obtained it is clear to establish the conformity of the operation of the program in terms of the role of care for families, the training of minors and the integration of society is thus how the show is getting on the right tide.

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