Characterization of arepa producing units in the city of Ocaña.

Caracterización de unidades productoras de arepas ocañeras en la ciudad de Ocaña

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Carlo Fernando D´vera Pérez

The Area Development with the support of the Business Development and the Center for Studies and Research of the Solidarity Sector , the Sector Census conducted in order to identify, quantify and determine the characteristics of the producing units ocañeras arepas characteristics in the city of Ocaña in terms of size, infrastructure modernization , geographic location, legal organization , level of informality in the sector, level of education and training needs , in addition to a diagnosis for the formation of a company under partnership models dedicated to sourcing and marketing . This in order to obtain sufficient evidence and provide tools that allow projects to counteract the lack of development and business development in the sector, and present strategies for improvement in productivity levels and local and regional business development.

To achieve compliance with the objectives, a quantitative descriptive research that sought to specify the properties and characteristics of the sector , as well as profiles of the production units is proposed . Moreover , for the collection of information was raised as a tool to use the survey to collect information .

Regarding the identification of the population , was performed by scanning Ocana commune by commune and district by district starting in the north and ending in the south, simultaneously sampling method was used for the snowball to ensure identification of 100 % of the production units .

As for the results of the investigation , it was found that 92.6% of the population immersed in the production process are women, and that a low level of education and schooling. Moreover, it was shown that the increased participation of socio economic strata correspond to 1 and 2, where the production of arepas made in family homes , which showed that the activity is considered survival and is not seen as an opportunity development for the creation and promotion of industry and established brands .


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