Migratory waves in Colombia and its influence on the performance of the economy

Olas migratorias en Colombia y su influencia sobre el rendimiento de la economía

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Dina Luz Jiménez – Lobo
Juan Andrés Guerrero – Duran

Migration is a phenomenon that has evolved with humans, it has been transformed to the point that it has become a way of life and subsistence. Throughout its history, Colombia has been a participant in multiple waves of migration that have led it to go from being a country of origin that receives remittances to being a receiving country. Therefore, this study seeks to determine the performance of the Colombian economy in each of the migratory waves experienced from 1996 to 2019, for this, a methodology with a quantitative approach was used due to the fact that through a statistical analysis Correlation was determined the degree of relationship between the dependent variable Gross Domestic Product and the migratory movements made from Colombia to the United States, Venezuela and Spain, as well as the entry of Venezuelan foreigners to Colombia.


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