Coopetition, Business Management model For Ocaña Mipymes

Coopetencia, modelo de Gestión Empresarial para Mipymes de Ocaña

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Maribel Cárdenas García
Blanca Mery Velasco Burgos
Jorge de Jesús Cañizares Arévalo

The present article was based on the situational diagnosis effected to the micro, small and medium companies Ocaña
(Mipymes), North of Santander, product of the principal investigation, which had as intention promote the growth and
economic development of the Mipymes; for which, a corporation conformed under the model of business management
"coopetencia", in altars of achieving the transformation of his to gesticulate under the social, environmental and managerial
perspective, from Ocaña look as business, innovative, intelligent, enterprising city, diminishing the ecological fingerprint
that for the operation without planning threatens the natural resources and the labor dignity. The applied methodology placed
under the quantitative approach, with a level of descriptive investigation and exploratory research, a documentary and field
design as a tool for information gathering survey to 64 Mipymes the municipality was applied. The principal results showed
that 98% of respondents are unaware of the environmental legal requirements applicable to its economic activity, where the
synergy between employer-employee and its relationship with the environment, so it was evident, the strengths found
concerning highlights administrative and economic process of Mipymes. Finally the need to focus and combine efforts to
organize all the competitive strategies of Mipymes with prospects of business, environmental, safety and health at work
social responsibility, incorporating differentiating factors that allow them to be sustainable, productive and competitive in
looms different markets.

Keywords: Coopetition,Sustainable Development,Economic Globalization,Corporate Social Responsibility


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