The Analysis of the Social Impact of Graduates from the Architecture Program at Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander between the years 2010 to 2015

Análisis del impacto social del egresado del programa de arquitectura de la Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander entre los años 2010-2015

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Magdiel Daviana Tami Cortes
Luz Karime Coronel Ruiz

The fulfillment of academic commitments shouldn´t pose the interruption of communication between the graduate and the
institution; on the contrary, this fact should be seen as an opportunity to open the door for processes that promote the plans
strengthening and feedback through the identification and socialization of its experiences, allowing the graduate´s figure to
show as a resource through which knowledge of the labor market demands is possible, regarding important aspects such as
research, urban and socioeconomic context of the territory. The concern coming from the Francisco de Paula Santander University
´s Architecture Study Plan on securing the bonds between the institution, the plan and its graduates, aiming to obtain a high
quality education process, leading this research towards the design of an instrument based on guidelines for undergraduate
credentials from the National Education Department (MEN for its acronym in Spanish) delving, also, in subjects such as the
characterization of areas from the production and labor sector that the architecture professional owns and projects standing out
in subjects regarding design, construction, research, articles publishing, project management, products development, postgrad
studies, among others. The development of this project allowed to obtain information on the graduate’s current situation as for
seven interest areas regarding the personal data updating, the graduate’s appreciation, the plan´s relevance and their teachers,
connection between occupation and professional georeferenced location in the territory, relationship between the graduates and
the research, impact of the graduates on the social and academic environment and the acknowledgements obtained that have
been derived from its professional performance.

Keywords: High-quality credentials,Academic Commitments,Graduates,Social impact,National Education Department,Information system


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