Deterioration and restoration of the bastion of Santiago walls of Cartagena between 2007-2019: a physicochemical study

Deterioro y restauración del baluarte de Santiago murallas de Cartagena entre 2007-2019: un estudio fisicoquímico

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Yina Paola Calderon Batista
Roy David Tatis Castro

The stone material based on coral reef, present in the bastion of Santiago one of the oldest in the fortification of the wall of Cartagena. It has suffered deterioration, mainly due to factors such as the aggregation of salts, soluble chlorides and growth of biodeteriorating microorganisms, which are increased with environmental conditions such as humidity and high temperatures, added to anthropogenic causes. The aggregation of salts was determined by analyzing the chlorides, by means of the sampling of rock in the walled canvas during the years 2007 to 2019, showing a gradual increase of this indicator of deterioration in a 359 mg/L, while the conductivity electrolytic rose to 382 μS/cm, product of the decomposition of the rock, with precipitated salts: as carbonates and hydroxides, this contributes to the increase of the porosity, due to processes of solubilization. A decrease in resistivity of 0.003 MΩ.cm shows a process of disintegration of the material making it less compact, increasing its risk of cracking, alveolation and posterior cavernization. X-ray diffraction showed a progressive loss of calcium, in relation to non- weathered rock or quarry, which may be due to leaching and/or biological processes, which have a significant chemical effect leading to the weathering of the rock, especially in climates with tropical temperatures. The processes of conservation and cleanliness in the sector of the bastion of Santiago have allowed moving from a moderate deterioration grade III to a degree of healthy rock, with skates dyed of grade II oxides according to the criteria of the scale of G. Moye. Requiring constant monitoring on this heritage state of great historical value, in order to ensure its structural stability



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