Two-stage least squares simultaneous equation analysis of the demand and supply of chicken meat

Análisis de la demanda y oferta de carne de pollo utilizando ecuaciones simultaneas mediante mínimos cuadrados en dos etapas

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Giovanni Cancino Escalante


Chicken meat production is one of the fastest growing industries in Colombia with an average per person consumption of 35.6 kg. Due to the increase in demand and to the growing importance of the chicken meat production to the Colombian economy the objective of the study was to estimate the demand and supply response and the short run elasticities for chicken meat using a two-stage least squares technique for simultaneous equations. Results indicated that chicken meat demand was responsive to changes in own and beef prices as well as income. The direction of the independent variables were as expected, with the exception of pork prices. The response of chicken meat supply to own-price changes was found to be inelastic in the short run. Chicken feed and the exchange rate elasticities did not present a great impact on the percentage changes of the quantity offered of chicken meat. The proposed model can be useful for producers, chicken meat companies managers and policymakers as understanding the factors that affect the chicken market can lead to optimal managerial and financial decisions



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