Mechanical behavior of a hot micro agglomerate type MF-10 with recycled rubber grain
Comportamiento mecánico de un microaglomerado en caliente tipo MF-10 con grano de caucho reciclado
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In Colombia, different investigations of hot dense asphalt mixtures with recycled rubber grain mixtures have been carried out, however, it is the first time that the mechanical behavior of a micro agglomerate with GCR additions is analyzed due to the unusual application of this type of Mix in road works. The main objective of the research is to analyze the mechanical behavior of a hot micro agglomerate type MF-10, through the transformation of recycled rubber grain, characterize the materials used as the GCR and the modified asphalt type III, design micro agglomerates with and without connection of hot recycled rubber grain type MF-10 using the Marshall methodology with IDU 2011 specifications and determine the optimal percentage of recycled rubber grain for a micro agglomerate that has a better mechanical performance. For the investigation the Marshall methodology was used to design the different mixtures of micro agglomerates with and without additions of GCR, the verification tests thereof which are: Adhesion, plastic deformation, fatigue laws, resilient module, dynamic module and coefficient of slip resistance. With the addition of recycled rubber-GCR grain, the mechanical behavior of the asphalt mixture is improved by improving its useful life as well as contributing to the environment by recycling disused tires. An improvement of the mechanical behavior of the micro agglomerate is obtained in terms of increased adhesion, decreased hollowness, greater fatigue resistance, better resilient modulus and increased coefficient of slip resistance. The results of the research affected the design and construction of Colombia's roads, being its main use the rehabilitation of layers of rolling, having as an agent improving the mixture, the recycled rubber grain.
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