Determination of the use of sterile material for the construction of channels as a drainage system in dumps in the process of forest restoration and compensation: case study Pribbenow mine, Colombia

Determinación del uso del material estéril para la construcción de canales como sistema de drenajes en las escombreras en proceso de restauración y compensación forestal: caso de estudio mina Pribbenow, Colombia

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Decireth Silina Quintero-Laverde
Diana Isabel Girales-Puerta
Dino Carmelo Manco-Jaraba

The Pribbenow mine, located in the department of Cesar in northeastern Colombia, is an intercalation of sandstones and claystones that discordantly overlies the coal-bearing unit, specifically in Pit Peru (Pit Peru and Pit Peru 3) and Pit Chile (Pit Chile and Pit Chile 2). The objective of this research is based on determining the use of sterile material for the construction of canals as a drainage system in the dumps in the process of restoration and forest compensation at the Pribbenow mine, Colombia. Initially, a documentary review was carried out in the different scientific databases; Afterwards, an observational stage in the field was carried out, complemented with the taking of 20 random samples in the exploitation fronts, applying Slake Durability Test, weathering and Washability tests, evaluating the behavior of each type of material. The utility for the construction of channels as a drainage system in the dumps in the process of restoration and forest compensation has a durability range greater than 99%, useful material has a durability range of 98% to 99%, moderately useful material presents a Durability range from 85% to 98%, material with low utility has a durability range of 60% to 85% and material with very low utility has a durability range of less than 60%. In conclusion, the Pit Peru and Pit Peru 3 (Manto Borrego) are optimal for the rocky of the channels, mainly constituted by sandstones and to a lesser amount by siltstone and claystone, it does not present significant changes when exposed to the weathering and Washability tests. maintaining the durability index in the first test of 80% and in the second test of 95%.



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