A study on self-leadership, entrepreneurial self-efficacy and innovation in the generation of Centennials in FESC students

Un estudio sobre el autoliderazgo, la autoeficacia emprendedora y la innovación en la generación de los Centennials en estudiantes de la FESC

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Victoria Yamileth Herrera-Laguna
Karla Yohana Sánchez-Mojica
Eugenio Guzmán-Soria

At present, perceiving what current and future employees consider most important can be difficult when those expectations are changing due to globalization, competitiveness and the same market, the business sector has been affected. Therefore, the target population was university students belonging to a generation known as Centennials or Z, who seek new trends, environments and work independence, which is why many of them undertake. The present work validated the influence of three variables: self-leadership, entrepreneurial self-efficacy and innovation in students of the Fundación de Estudios Superiores Comfanorte in Colombia, obtaining preliminary results using statistical analysis software (SmartPLS).



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