Evaluation of the hydro-lithological properties of the geological units and sedimentary deposits, southeast of the municipality of Villanueva- La Guajira (Colombia), for the determination of the aquifer potential

Evaluación de las propiedades hidro-litológicas de las unidades geológicas y depósitos sedimentarios, al sureste del municipio de Villanueva- La Guajira (Colombia), para la determinación del potencial acuífero

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Yuleineth Giseth Anteliz-Galán
José Valdemar Holguín-Duran
Diana Carolina Mercado-Zabaleta
Elías Ernesto Rojas-Martinez
Dino Carmelo Manco-Jaraba

This research focuses on the evaluation of the aquifer potential of the geological units and sedimentary deposits outcropping southeast of the municipality of Villanueva, La Guajira, based on gravimetric porosity and gas permeability tests, allowing the determination of the low capacity of the packstone rocks of the Cogollo Group and siltstone of the La Quinta Formation to capture and transmit water; In addition, liquid permeability and porosity tests were carried out by gravimetric method to Quaternary sediments, determining a moderate to high permeability coefficient supported with granulometry analysis for their classification as sandy-gravelly sediments; also, the Lefranc method was implemented in six selected points randomly yielding a high permeability coefficient. The lithological units found in the area are affected by regional structures, such as the El Espiritu Syncline, which is a potential structure for water storage and transmission; the La Quinta Formation is affected by the Cerrejón fault, which acts as a limiting barrier for possible aquifers in the area. It is inferred that the Cogollo Group has aquifer potential due to secondary porosity because it is highly fractured and presents microporosity structures due to dissolution and karstification, the Quaternary deposits exhibit moderate to high permeability coefficients, while the La Quinta Formation does not show promising aquifer potential due to its compaction, silicification and low permeability coefficient.



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