Study of small businesses cucuta about the convergence to international financial reporting standards (IFRS) for SMEs.

Estudio de las pequeñas empresas de Cúcuta sobre la convergencia a las normas internacionales de información financiera para PYMES

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Yurley Katherine Criado-Alzate
Anny Consuelo Rangel-Castilla
Eduardo Solano-Becerra

Background: The convergence to the NIIF for SMES is a step to internationalize the regional economy, since the above mentioned standards are applied in a great quantity of countries and his aim is to generate financial information of high quality and comparably across the time of the same entity and with other companies that shape the different economic sectors. Objective: With research seeks to make a diagnosis of Real Estate Small business activities, Community Services, Education and Business on the conditions in which they are to meet the voluntary process to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) convergence for SMEs in turn determine the acceptance of initiating a process of accompaniment in transition and tracking 2013. Methods: the methodology is a structured survey model applied to the accountants and managers of small businesses that are registered and current at the Chamber of Commerce of Cúcuta and then monitored or inspected by the Superintendence of Cúcuta Regional Societies. Results: The results reflect their knowledge keepers accounting and financial area on IFRS for SMEs and the lack of clarity they have on some aspects of the financial statements that define the transition and what procedure to follow to converge of generally accepted accounting principles to International financial Reporting Standards for SMEs. Conclusion: The Small businesses of economic sectors have not yet started a process of voluntary IFRS for SMEs convergence, so far only one has clarity of the existence of the Standard and the possible implications for the accounting and financial area, also unpreparedness of staff directly involved process manifests.



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Author Biographies (SEE)

Yurley Katherine Criado-Alzate, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander.

Contador Publico.

Anny Consuelo Rangel-Castilla, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander.

Contdor Publico.

Eduardo Solano-Becerra, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander.

Magister en Administración de Empresas.

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