One-dimensional hydraulic model to determine flood zones in mountain rivers

Modelo hidráulico unidimensional para determinar zonas de inundación en ríos de montaña

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Diego Iván Sánchez-Tapiero
Carlos Alexis Bonilla-Granados
Jarol Derley Ramón-Valencia

Floods are recurrent phenomena produced by heavy precipitation events due to different causes: natural and anthropic, they can become potentially destructive, which is why the competent entities in relation to disaster risk management should facilitate the planning of water resources through the implementation of studies such as hydraulic modeling. The purpose of this article is to present the methodology used to determine the flood zones of a mountain river using a one-dimensional hydraulic model, taking as a case study the Pamplonita river in the La Don Juana section, of Colombia. For the study, primary information related to water function, territorial and hydrological structure contained in the Pamplonita River Hydrographic Basin Management Plan (POMCH) was collected from different national databases. The dynamic flow simulation was carried out using the one-dimensional mathematical model HEC-RAS, incorporating the necessary data to the model and once calibrated, the flood stain was determined for return periods of 2.33 and 100 years, knowing the depths and maximum flow velocities in the case study. The hydraulic model allowed to know the flow behavior of a mountain river, showing the floodable areas of 0.75 and 1.20 hectares (Ha) respectively for each return period. Finally, the results of the research can be used by competent planning agencies to reduce flood risks and seek alternatives for prevention and mitigation of future climate impacts.



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