Response crop of pepper (capsicum annuum) to inoculation with glomus manihotis and acaulospora lacunosa in soil with high levels of phosphorus

Respuesta del cultivo de pimentón (Capsicum Annuum) a la inoculación con Glomus Manihotis y Acaulospora Lacunosa en suelo con niveles alto de fósforo

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Laura Esther Rojas Martínez

Glomus manihotis y Acaulospora lacunosa are fungi forming arbuscular mycorrhizae; mutually beneficial symbiotic associations between fungi and specialized roots. This root-fungus formation performs various functions in association with plants. Previous research has shown that they can provide biological substitutes for mineral fertilizers. The objective of the study was to evaluate the effects of inoculation of Glomus manihotis (GL) and Acaulospora lacunose (ACU) in pepper plants grown in soils with high levels of P. Methods: The Phillips and Hayman method was used for the determination of the percentage of infection. Other variables were: height, total fresh weight, shoot dry weight, root length, weight and number of fruit, percentage of infection and foliage nutrient content. Plants inoculated with (GL) recorded an infection rate of 70.3 %, inoculated with (ACU) had 45 % and the inoculated treatment (GL / ACU) 28%. The infection had a positive effect in the majority agronomic variables analyzed in plants inoculated with (GL) and (ACU), but not in the mixed treatment (GL/ACU) which was very similar to control. In terms of the content of nutrients in foliage, there were no significant differences in treatments NPK, but there were significant differences in the mobile few nutrients such as Zn, Cu and Fe, favoring plants inoculated with (ACU). These results suggest that inoculation with mycorrhizal fungi in conditions of high phosphorus levels may be an effective adjuvant in the optimal development of a plant, long as they determine the effective specific fungus under these conditions.



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Author Biography (SEE)

Laura Esther Rojas Martínez, Universidad Popular del César Bióloga.



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