Study on the caregiving skills of primary caregivers of adults disabled by cerebrovascular disease attending the outpatient service of the erasmo meoz university hospital and rehabilitation center of norte de santander.

Estudio sobre la habilidad del cuidado de los cuidadores primarios de personas adultas discapacitadas por enfermedad cerebrovascular, asistentes al servicio de consulta externa del hospital universitario erasmo meoz y centro de rehabilitación del norte de santander

Main Article Content

Olga Marina Vega-Angarita

The purpose of this study is to describe the caregiving skills of primary caregivers of chronically ill persons with disabilities secondary to cerebrovascular disease in Norte de Santander, through the application of the CAI (Caring Ability Inventory) instrument, proposed by Dr. Ngozi O. Nkongho to measure the degree of caregiving ability of one person to care for another. The design applied in the study was a cross-sectional descriptive type with a quantitative approach in 70 primary caregivers participating in the outpatient service of the Erasmo Meoz University Hospital and Rehabilitation Center. The results found show that only 30% of the total caregiving skills have the required skills for the delivery of care, the remaining 70% have deficiencies in the role of caregivers and in the quality of care they offer to their disabled family members.



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Author Biography (SEE)

Olga Marina Vega-Angarita, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander

Docente Asociado, Facultad Ciencias de la Salud. Enfermera especialista en Medicoquirurgica con enfasis en Neurocirugia, Convenio U. de Cartagena - Especialista en Docencia Universitaria, Universidad
Santo Tomas de Aquino, Magister en cuidado de enfermería al paciente Crónico Universidad Nacional de Colombia , Directora Grupo de Investigacion Cuidado de Enfermería


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