Benefits of Peirce’s notation for propositional binary connectives

Beneficios de la notación de Peirce para los conectivos proposicionales binarios

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Oscar Abel Cardona-Hurtado

Background: In traditional binary notation for propositional connectives only some of these ones are taken into account. Throughout the twentieth century several notations were proposed which overcome this flaw, leading to the proposal of interesting mathematical problems. Objective: This paper presents the notation created by the American Charles Peirce, showing some of the properties of this symbols, and evidencing the advantages of these compared to the traditional. Method: the notation proposed by Peirce is described, and some properties of the geometric and algebraic logical character among its connective are verified; also, the possible role of these properties in the traditional notation is analyzed. Results: In addition to several individual properties and multiple relations between the connectives, the symmetries of the full set of binary propositional connective is visually evident in the signs proposed by Peirce. Conclusion: Different benefits of the notation proposed by Peirce, support the conclusion that the usual notation is clearly surpassed by the symbolism designed by the American scientist.



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Author Biography (SEE)

Oscar Abel Cardona-Hurtado, Universidad del Tolima, Ibagué.

Magister en Matemáticas Aplicadas.

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