Functional analysis of the business sector environment in the department of Cesar

Análisis del entorno funcional del sector empresarial en el departamento del Cesar

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Jairo Enrique Polo Martínez

The functional environment of the company in the department of Cesar is an innate scenario planning authorities for the socioeconomic future of the region. This environment consists of a huge number of agents, factors and relationships that influence directly or potentially conditional on the company’s competitive success of such a substantial way that is one of the main reasons explaining business failure. The current research builds on the “functional environment in Seville Province”, where the variables and their relationships are defined according to the logic of the entire system of the determinants of competitive advantage Michael Porter. The present study aims to analyze the functional environment of agribusiness in the department of Cesar, through the application of statistical correlation models, allowing an approximation to the definition of the structural type and level of quality business same. The selected variables were sketched in the survey of 23 representative Cesar agribusinesses. 16 The research hypotheses posed in order to define relationships on: size, age, quality, innovation, business with government, borrowing, hostile environments, control, corporate social awareness, among others. The relationships are validated through the technique of Pearson correlation coefficient and covariance. The resulting data are subjected to analysis and comparison with the draft Seville (Spain). Then the information is tabulated and business profiles agribusiness sub-sector in the department of Cesar down. From the results obtained, three (3) of the assumptions are valid and thirteen (13) are discarded, unlike research in Seville where most relationships among the studied variables (9 valid) are due to microeconomic differences territorial and corporate culture. From the foregoing, it is claimed between the companies studied a relationship between the size of the companies with which it cooperates and the physical location of the companies with which a cooperation agreement is established. In addition, the size of firms is significantly related to the certification of quality systems, that is, firms with larger are the most likely to certify their management systems quality. The last relationship validated hypothesis, states that companies with a formalized control are touting their managers according to their experience and training, at the expense of creativity. In terms of customer orientation, a high innovative potential of agro-industrial companies in the department of Cesar, but low levels of management systems certified Quality states, although both variables are focused on customer satisfaction, products do not exceed clients in the region and the power of decision is significantly low. Finally, it was determined two main problems: first the raw material, which generally includes aspects of quality, transport and availability; Machinery on appeal, needs associated with new parts in the Colombian market does not produce or market, in addition to the requirements of specialized technology.



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Author Biography (SEE)

Jairo Enrique Polo Martínez, Universidad de Santander

Especialista en Gerencia de Proyectos de Ingeniería.


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