Evaluation of raw materials used in the manufacture of stoneware tiles in the ceramic industry from Norte de Santander (Colombia)

Evaluación de materias primas utilizadas en la fabricación de baldosas de gres en el sector cerámico de Norte de Santander (Colombia)

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Jorge Sánchez-Molina
Alejandra Sarabia-Guarin
Diana Carolina Alvarez-Rozo

Background: The municipalities of Cucuta, Los Patios, Villa del Rosario, Zulia and San Cayetano, representing 10% of the department’s extension of Norte de Santander, and 6.85% of its territory is occupied by the ceramic industry, which produces all kinds of products derived from clay; mineral whose physical, chemical and mineralogical characteristics vary widely, so the quality control of products, beginning with the characterization and  quality control of raw materials. Objective: To characterize by chemical, mineralogical, and physico-ceramic analysis three raw materials used in the manufacture of ceramic: clay, fire clay and limestone from the Norte de Santander department. Methods: raw materials were characterized by techniques of DRX, FTIR, and physical-ceramic tests including shrinkage in drying shrinkage cooked, water absorption, loss on ignition and percentage of sand. Subsequently they extruded and pressed samples of three types of mixtures referenced as M1, M2 and M3, with different composition of clay, fire clay, limestone, then were sintered at 1050°C-1250°C and the behavior of water absorption and the percentage shrinkage was analyzed in vitrification curve. Results: The pattern of DRX shows the presence of quartz and kaolinite in the clay and calcite and quartz in the limestone, which is evident in the FTIR spectrum. The physical-ceramic behavior of mixtures made significantly low showed water absorption values (less than 6%) with firing temperatures between 1150°C and 1250°C. Conclusion: Was identified that assessed raw materials are suitable for manufacturing of stoneware tiles, being M3-E the most optimal formulation composed of 80% clay material, 15% grog, and 5% limestone (through 100 mesh), and molded by extrusion.



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Author Biographies (SEE)

Jorge Sánchez-Molina, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander

Magister en Gerencia de Empresas, Profesor titular, Facultad de Ciencias Básicas, Investigador del Grupo de Investigación en Tecnología Cerámica GITEC, Centro de Investigación de Materiales Cerámicos CIMAC.

Alejandra Sarabia-Guarin, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander

Ingeniero Industrial, Joven Investigador, Grupo de Investigación en Tecnología Cerámica GITEC.

Diana Carolina Alvarez-Rozo, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander

Ingeniero Industrial, Grupo de Investigación en Tecnología Cerámica GITEC.

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