Attitudes towards disability in university students in Popayan-Colombia

Actitudes hacia la discapacidad en Universitarios de Popayán-Colombia

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Objective: Identify the attitudes towards disability in university students in Popayan-Colombia. Material and method: Descriptive correlational and cross-sectional study, with convenience samplings applied on 276 students. The instrument validated by Novo-Corti et al. was used, with a Cronbach’s alpha over 0,75 differentiating three components related with student attitudes. In the statistical analysis the normality of the sample was identified and descriptive statistics of central tendency and dispersion were applied; the relationship between the variables was measured with the Pearson correlation coefficient (p<,05). Results: A statistically significant positive attitude towards disability was found (p=,052); this was related to the intentions of students to engage in disability processes. It was also evidenced that women have a better attitude towards people with disabilities. However, it was found that, from the perspective of students, the university needs programs for educational inclusion. Conclusion: A positive attitude was shown to a greater extent in women. On the other hand, although the intention of helping people with disabilities is present, students do not visualize themselves with a disability. Regarding the social norm, it is notorious that there is a lack of action from university institutions, as well as programs orientated to people with disabilities.



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Author Biographies (SEE)

Nancy Janneth Molano-Tobar, Universidad del Cauca

Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Exactas y de la Educación

Departamento de Educación Física, Recreación y Deporte

Docente Titular 

Dolly Ximena Molano-Tobar, Universidad Santiago de Cali

Vicerrectoria Académica


Enmanuel Fernando Portilla, Universidad del Cauca

Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Exactas y de la Educación

Departamento de Educación Física, recreacion y deporte


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