Research on the use of digital technologies in teaching and learning mathematics: a review from conference proceedings in the last decade

La investigación sobre el uso de tecnologías digitales en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de las matemáticas: una revisión desde las memorias de los congresos en la última década

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Martha Leticia García-Rodríguez
Adrian Hary Ortíz-García
Jonathan Enriquez -Velazquez

This document presents the results of a documental review carried out to answer the question: what has been the evolution of research related to digital technologies for mathematics teaching? To answer the research question, the Systematic Reviews (RS) method was used, a systematic and explicit method to locate, select, synthesize and critically evaluate the relevant investigations associated with the question posed, with the aim of reaching valid conclusions and on this topic that help those interested in the issue in decision making. It is assumed that with the emergence and diffusion of technologies, several lines of research have been positioned: analysis of the changes experienced in the mathematics curriculum as a result of the diffusion of new technologies; teaching of mathematical subjects in computer courses; design and use of ICT tools as mediators of teaching and learning processes in mathematics and study of the educational process in mathematics in technology-based learning environments. From the results obtained in this review, new lines emerge that require research, which answer questions such as: what produced the increase observed in 2013 in the PME-NA, is this related to the promotion of some technology in particular? Are the events that direct the current research lines? Or are the lines that direct the categories in the events?



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