The Pirie and Kieren Model for the mathematical understanding of the concept of trigonometric ratio

El Modelo de Pirie y Kieren para la comprensión matemática del concepto de razón trigonométrica

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Carlos Andrés Teleche-Capote
Juan Pablo Salazar-Torres

The development of mathematical understanding has been one of the fundamental challenges in the processes of teaching and learning mathematics. This article presents a reflection of Pirie and Kieren's model as a didactic alternative for the understanding of the concept of trigonometric ratio, derived from a doctoral thesis study in the field of mathematics education that seeks to develop a learning scheme for this fundamental concept of mathematics within the framework of this model. For the fulfillment of this purpose, the methodological alternative of content analysis with a qualitative perspective was approached in order to find and describe understandings and meanings of the use of this model for the teaching and understanding of mathematical concepts. At a general level, it is concluded that, by means of the proposed model, it is possible to make visible and promote the evolution of the understanding of mathematical concepts; thanks to the characteristics of the theory that allow the cognitive mobilization and the study of the different representations within the process of understanding mathematical objects and concepts.



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