Estudio correlacional entre la modalidad de educación pública o privada y el estilo de aprendizaje

Estudio correlacional entre la modalidad de educación pública o privada y el estilo de aprendizaje

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Gerson Adriano Rincón-Álvarez
Daniel Villamizar-Jaimes
Carlos Antonio Pabón-Galán

There has always been a big discussion about the difference between public and private education regarding many topics of learning as the methodology, philosophy, preparing students, and in relation to this article, the different strategies employ students to acquire and strengthen their learning. The identification of learning styles and how the student develops in the university environment is of great importance to the adequacy of the pedagogical practices of teachers and the construction of micro-curriculum subjects that make up the academic curriculum of the program. In order to create a better learning environment, this research identifies learning styles of students of the academic Bachelor of Mathematics, Faculty of Education, Arts and Humanities UFPS, framed in the theory of model Kold. We conclude that the predominant style in the study population was followed by the pragmatic and thoughtful finally assets and theoretical respectively. It ends with the application of the tests of independence and correlation of Spearman, finding high relationship between pragmatic and thoughtful styles within the model Kold, but no relationship between social class and learning styles.



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Author Biographies (SEE)

Gerson Adriano Rincón-Álvarez, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander

Docente adscrito al Departamento de Matemáticas y Estadística de la UFPS. Licenciado en Matemáticas y Computación (UFPS). Especialista en Computación para la Docencia (UAN). Especialista en Estadística Aplicada (UFPS). Maestrante en Neuropsicología y Educación (UNIR).

Daniel Villamizar-Jaimes, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander

Decano Facultad de Educacion Artes y HUmanidades.

Carlos Antonio Pabón-Galán, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander

Dpto. Biología. Facultad de Ciencias Básicas.

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